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Coronavirus Impact on National Car Shopping Activity Early March 2020

Written by ZeroSum | November 24, 2020

The COVID-19 Impact on Automobile Shopping, Behavior and Operations.


There are more active in-market shoppers online heading into the weekend.

Last updated: 3/20/20

Despite the unprecedented slowdown across the automotive industry, markets like Iowa and Oregon are seeing significant increases in active in-market shopper* activity. However, the audience sizes in states like Arizona, Colorado, and Louisiana have slowed tremendously. Most markets we’re following are experiencing fluctuations, some more drastic than others.

Shopping Activity
New Jersey
Shopping Activity
Source: Active In-Market Shopper Audience Summary, Select markets,  ZeroSum Data Warehouse, March 2020


*Active In-Market Shopper is a user actively searching for and / or shopping on VDPs


Nationally, more people are shopping for cars online this week.

The national audience of in market vehicle shoppers has increased 1% week over week. While we’ve seen impact in specifically hard hit areas, like Seattle, people continue to exhibit shopping behavior at normal rates.  Our analysis shows that our audience size leads the market by approximately one week.  Under normal circumstances, the 1% growth in audience shown last week would lead to an increase in vehicle movement this week.  We’ll be following the trend through the weekend to asses impact. As of the publishing of this article, we’re lagging last years NEW moved units by 7% Nationally. 

Last updated: 3/20/20

Source: ZeroSum National In Market Automotive Shopper Audience Jan-March 2020